Case Study — Hitched XO



Business Naming



Totes & Tees

Social Media Templates

Presentation Design

Founded by seasoned planner Jasmin Bray of J. Bray Events, Hitched XO is a one-day wedding workshop designed to help couples navigate the wedding planning world while learning from experts in the industry. Knowing that most couples start to feel a bit overwhelmed in the early to mid planning stages, the workshop is designed to educate couples on the main elements involved in the wedding day through a series of keynote speakers, panel discussions, Q&A sessions and more.

After a detailed brand discovery session, I uncovered Jasmin’s obsession with the movie Hitch, which is an obvious pun for a wedding workshop, ha! I was also inspired by Will Smith’s character in the movie, who acts as a guide to unlocking the secrets to finding your perfect match. And that’s how Hitched XO was born!

I focused on creating a sense of mystery in the logo family, using a key to represent unlocking the secrets of planning your dream wedding from the secret society that is the wedding industry. This is shown in a few different ways using the ampersand to represent the joining of two people and a diamond-shaped crest with a minimal XO to represent industry professionals. The brand is carried through into tote bags, instagram templates, marketing PDF’s and stationery designed to grow and shift as the workshop develops into additional areas like styled shoots and a weekend conference.
